

Smart Render is a Graphics Automation Rendering System.


Broadcasters are now introduced to a next level automated rendering system because SmartRender:

Manages every After Effects project. 
Customizes it according to your needs.
Renders videos of any format, based on your choice.
Works both on Cloud and physical Servers.
Allows you to monitor your job' s process.
 Final video is delivered to you.
Sends notifications via email about the job' s status.

Manage every
After Effects project 

Projects generated in After Effects are customized and edited with graphics packaging and data of your choice. 

Dynamic projects

Footage, image, color, text, allignment etc are dynamically imported to the project.

Data and Media import 

Data pull from variable sources such as:
SmartRender web-service, XML, Excel,playlist automation(*.bxf) etc.

No limits to video format

Βroadcast videos of any format are accepted.
Ιt is your choice which one will be delivered.

Compatible with
Cloud Servers

Smart Render could be located as efficiently
in Cloud as in physical Server.


Smart Render not only monitors a job' s process but also sends you notifications about its status. Notifications are sent
via email on multiple addresses.